

noun \ˈkä-pē\

: something that is or looks exactly or almost exactly like something else : a version of something that is identical or almost identical to the original

: one of the many books, magazines, albums, DVDs, etc., that are exactly the same and are produced to be sold or given to the public

: written information that is to be published in a newspaper, magazine, etc.

plural cop·ies

Full Definition of COPY

:  an imitation, transcript, or reproduction of an original work (as a letter, a painting, a table, or a dress)
:  one of a series of especially mechanical reproductions of an original impression; also :  an individual example of such a reproduction
archaic :  something to be imitated :  model
a :  matter to be set especially for printing
b :  something considered printable or newsworthy —used without an article <remarks that make good copy — Norman Cousins>
c :  text especially of an advertisement
:  duplicate 1a <a copy of a computer file> <a copy of a gene>

Origin of COPY

Middle English copie, from Anglo-French, from Medieval Latin copia, from Latin, abundance — more at copious
First Known Use: 14th century

Synonym Discussion of COPY

reproduction, duplicate, copy, facsimile, replica mean a thing made to closely resemble another. reproduction implies an exact or close imitation of an existing thing <reproductions from the museum's furniture collection>. duplicate implies a double or counterpart exactly corresponding to another thing <a duplicate of a house key>. copy applies especially to one of a number of things reproduced mechanically <printed 1000 copies of the lithograph>. facsimile suggests a close reproduction often of graphic matter that may differ in scale <a facsimile of a rare book>. replica implies the exact reproduction of a particular item in all details <a replica of the Mayflower> but not always in the same scale <miniature replicas of classic cars>.



: to make a version of (something) that is exactly or almost exactly like the original : to make a copy or duplicate of (something)

: to write (something) down exactly as it appears somewhere else

: to use (someone else's words or ideas) as your own


Full Definition of COPY

transitive verb
:  to make a copy or duplicate of <copy a document> <copy a computer file>
:  to model oneself on
intransitive verb
:  to make a copy
:  to undergo copying <the map did not copy well>

First Known Use of COPY

14th century

Synonym Discussion of COPY

copy, imitate, mimic, ape, mock mean to make something so that it resembles an existing thing. copy suggests duplicating an original as nearly as possible <copied the painting and sold the fake as an original>. imitate suggests following a model or a pattern but may allow for some variation <imitate a poet's style>. mimic implies a close copying (as of voice or mannerism) often for fun, ridicule, or lifelike imitation <pupils mimicking their teacher>. ape may suggest presumptuous, slavish, or inept imitating of a superior original <American fashion designers aped their European colleagues>. mock usually implies imitation with derision <mocking a vain man's pompous manner>.

Rhymes with COPY

COPY[1] Defined for Kids


noun \ˈkä-pē\
plural cop·ies

Definition of COPY for Kids

:  something that is made to look exactly like something else :  duplicate <a copy of a letter> <a copy of a painting>
:  one of the total number of books, magazines, or papers printed at one time <She owns a copy of a popular atlas.>
:  written material to be published



Definition of COPY for Kids

:  to make a duplicate of
:  imitate 1

Synonym Discussion of COPY

copy, imitate, and mimic mean to make something so that it resembles something else. copy means trying to duplicate a thing as much as possible. <Copy this drawing exactly.> imitate means that a person uses something as an example but does not try to make an exact copy. <They imitated the actions of their parents.> mimic means carefully copying something (as a person's voice) often for the purpose of making fun of it. <The comedian mimicked a popular singer.>


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